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Welcome to African Women Minnesota Awareness Group (AMWAG). Our Main aim is to transform the systems that impact the survivors of Domestic Violence and other forms of abuse in the community we live in.

Some of the ways we can Curve the
spread of Domestic Violence

Listen to and believe survivors

Survivors of violence are speaking out more than ever before, and everyone has a role to play to ensure they can have justice.
It’s on all of us to give them the safe space

Stand against rape culture

Rape culture is the social environment that allows sexual violence to be normalized and justified, fueled by the persistent gender inequalities and attitudes about gender and sexuality.
Naming it is the first step to dismantling rape culture

Hold each other accountable

Abuse can be in different forms men, women and children are equally abused and tortured also violence takes place in many forms of violence including sexual harassment in the work place
Create a safer environment for everyone

African women’s group AMWAG holding cultural food drive in Brooklyn Park, Twin Cities and Beyond.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues local non-profit organizations are rising to meet new challenges wrought by the pandemic. One such group is the African Minnesota Women’s Awareness Group (AMWAG) which has been hosting a series of food drives to meet the increased rates of food insecurity

news & Updates

Crime Victim Rights

The Victim Services & Restorative Justice Program is dedicated to ensuring that victim's rights are enforced, and victims and survivors have a meaningful voice within the state correctional system.


See our Frequently Asked Questions.

Many factors contribute to health disparities, including genetics, access to care, poor quality of care, community features (e.g., inadequate access to healthy foods, poverty, limited personal support systems and violence), environmental conditions (e.g., poor air quality), language barriers and health behaviors.

If a partner has been abusive toward you, it may not be up to you to decide whether to press charges. Once anyone has called the police with a report of domestic abuse, police come to the site of the alleged incident. Police can always make an arrest where they believe that there is probable cause that a crime has been committed. Some states leave the decision to arrest up to the discretion of the officer, whereas others require mandatory arrest if there is probable cause to believe there was an injury or a violation of an order or protection, among other crimes. (Please note: abusers increasingly engage in actions to try to get victims arrested, instead of themselves. You can take steps to make sure officers see who is the primary aggressor).

Also accusations of domestic violence can ruin someone’s life. Under certain circumstances, lying about domestic violence is a crime. Perjury is when an individual lies under oath during an official investigation, either in a written or verbal statement. While individuals who lie about domestic violence may be charged with perjury, it is unlike to happen. Additionally, the accuser could be charged with filing a false police report, a misdemeanor offense.

The individual who was falsely accused may file a civil lawsuit against the accuser to receive compensation for any damages caused by the allegation.

Domestic violence is a choice on the part of the abuser, but certain underlying factors might sometimes contribute to a person's propensity for abuse, including: experiencing childhood trauma. holding certain belief systems about hierarchy and domination. witnessing domestic violence as a child.

A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a trained volunteer who is appointed by the court to advocate for the best interests of an abused or neglected child. In court, the GAL serves as an important voice for the child.

African Minnesota Women Awareness Group

Here to support all domestic violence victims.
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